Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yes... I see.
(This will mean nothing if you weren't there for the Pinky and the Brain fest on Saturday)

Friday, July 28, 2006


What you see below is the new (140km on the odometer at the moment) Jonnymobile.

It is a classy gray, 2007, Honda Fit Sport. Very comfortable, very fun, very efficient, and very useful (I'll gladly demonstrate all possible interior arrangements to those interested). Needless to say, I am a very happy boy. I no longer have to rely on the availability of my parent's vehicles, I won't find myself on the Bowness #1 bus much anymore, and I have an excellent tool for helping friends with both getting around and carrying any number of oddly shaped objects which one would never think would fit in a sub-compact. I finally have the freedom (which I've desired for years) to be able to realistically serve those around me with a vehicle, I love it. Please, use that freedom as you need. I look forward to making myself, and my vehicle, useful.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Communal Art - A proposal

I've had this idea running around in my head for a while but I am now seriously wondering whether something might come of it.

I hope to one day setup a photo studio where I can not only store/use all the usual photographic paraphernalia but also display work and generally provide a comfortable artistic environment. The thing is that I know loads of people, even just in my group of friends, who also display talents and desires which would fit well with a communal art setting. With this diversity, I then think that a general creative/art space would be awesome. Lease a commercial space for the single purpose of providing a space for our friends to do:
- Photography
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Music
- CG art
- etc.

Looking at those things, they all tie in together as well as for many years the backdrops of photographs were beautifully painted renditions of environments. Many artists throughout history have painted from photographic inspiration. Photographic post-processing needs computers and so does CG art, and both use each other to get the best products. Music is just plain awesome (and has often been worked in with the visual arts), and who knows what else could go on there. I don't doubt for a moment that there is a massive demand out there for people wanting photo portraits who would also gladly pay for a painted portrait and even some highly processed prints of both. Not to mention an excellent source of indie music (both live and recorded). Heck, if the space is large enough, why not make room for a video studio as well.

Individual and corporate studio areas combined with a gallery of displayed works. All of these hobbies pay can at least support themselves and the cost of such an establishment and any extra income for people's pockets likely wouldn't be refused.

I dunno, might just be a pipe dream... but whatever it is, it's got me excited.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The worry wart

Jonny the worrier. Always have been and I expect I always will be.
Friend goes to Israel, Israel gets involved in wars on 2 of its fronts...
Friend goes to India, massive bombings hit Bombay (Mumbai)...
Why can't we all just go to happy places like Iceland, where the meadows are green, the lakes are steamy, the cliffs are cliffy, and the women are oh-so beautiful and willing to model for photographers.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I like your attitude

This Burrowing Owl seemed to have some major attitude so I figured that he deserved a big photo.