Saturday, September 29, 2007


Friday, September 28, 2007


I long to write like this:

I long to knowledgeably identify with this song (and maybe even sing it):
Pachelbel Bedtime

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Photo Excursion

The photo excursion was awesome.
See the flickr gallery here.

Some are mine, most are Jordan's. When I wasn't shooting I was advising or being a "voice-activated light-stand". It was a lot of fun and I learned tons. I don't think I'll ever be able to shoot another outdoor portrait again without a flash, an umbrella, a bracket, and a Pocket Wizard. It just goes so smoothly and the results are, if I may say so, absolutely beautiful.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I hit the fireworks festival during my last week in Ottawa. I'm pleased with the results

Monday, September 10, 2007


A reflection on some of the ideas given in Cyler's latest post

Vocabulary is definitely not about sounding smarter (what's the point of sounding smarter if you can't be understood); It's about having a wider gamut of colors to work with as you paint the image that is in your mind. We're living in a world with an ever shrinking vocabulary.

Years ago, I could have informed you of my displeasure with a behaviour of yours with a comment ranging from "I felt slighted by your actions" to "Your behaviour was downright appalling and amends need to be made for it". Today, most of our generational compatriots seem to range between "Shut up" and "Shut the F___ up" with only tonality and body language left to provide any distinction.

The same thing could be said about a man's expression of his love for a woman (or vice versa). Try to imagine letters like this coming from the pen (or keyboard, as it may be) of any of the couples that we pass on the way in to the movie theatres or other public areas.

We have access to a remarkably detailed and powerful language, built upon the framework of some of the world's most beautiful and effective languages (Latin, Greek, and French, to name just a few). There is no excuse for not clearly and efficiently communicating information, feelings, or or thoughts, whether through the spoken or the written word.

Adapt to the audience when necessary, but adapt the audience whenever possible. Teach!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A challenge

A challenge to anyone who finds themselves singing a song of Christian worship.

Do not sing another "Christian" word until you know explicitly what it means.

I don't want to hear another "Hallelujah", "Amen", "Bulwark", or anything else along those lines unless you can confidently explain its meaning to another person.

Christian worship is so often (and rightfully so) looked upon with great skepticism by non-Christians. We have a group of people giving in to, what appears to be, mass hysteria and mindless chanting of words including some that, I'm quite sure, at least 50% of the congregation do not understand. I am in no position to judge the position of person's mind and soul, but by observation I would be willing to bet that a surprising portion of the tears, convulsions, and "hallelujahs" are elements of a mass hysteria, more than actual personal interaction with the Almighty. I cannot say that, though, without also saying that I am more than confident that the remainder are real, true, and blessed events.

What I honestly would like to see is an explanation slide (overhead / bulletin insert / announcement) before every song that slips in any of these Christianeze words. I want someone, a person entirely unfamiliar with the Christian church, to be able to walk in to an event and be actually able to understand what is going on. What good is it to them if they don't understand it.

Step by step, we can slowly move ourselves away from the image of a bunch of mindless religious fanatics.