Sunday, May 25, 2008

Some news (illustrated by Peanuts!)

I have two choices to describe my current situation:

Option 1

Option 2

I was going to walk in to the office on May 21, write up a nice, succinct, and, what I thought would be, extremely-satisfying letter detailing my intent to resign as of June 13. This was the keystone of my Canadian adventure! The landmark nature of my trip would be elevated and amplified by the freedom from a job that, up until two weeks ago anyway, was really irking me.

Despite being on vacation, I was checking my email inbox at work on a fairly regular basis. This is how I came to the realization, in the middle of a board-game with my cousins no less, that one of my coworkers was leaving. I sighed a sigh of relief when I saw that it wasn't my boss (a most excellent boss). I let loose an anguished "argh!" when I saw that it wasn't my former boss. This left an accepting and understanding nod for my remaining coworker who, as of this past Friday, has left the company.

Here's the kicker: I am very good at feeling guilty.

With a department of four (3+me), my departure would be an inconvenient but survivable bump in their road.

With a department of three (2+me), my departure would definitely be more than a slight inconvenience. I'm neither vain nor proud, at least not to any worrisome degree; I am simply realistic. My boss is extremely competent and capable. My former boss, the only remaining non-managerial member of the group (assuming my absence), often appears to be neither.

I would not feel right leaving my boss to fight alone.

Where does that leave me?
I will not be departing in late June. I'm going to hang around and do what I can to help my boss move the department forward. My hope is to make the trip this fall, either with the company's blessing (leave of absence) or on my own timeline (resignation).

We'll see where it goes. To be honest, I'm not all that disappointed about the delay. I find that surprising, but the overwhelming peace would suggest that there is some Godly guidance here that may have been missing from my previous plans. Here's hoping (and praying) that my plans for the fall are successful.