Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Welcome to the Game! (alternate title: "Ooo Boobies!")

What you are about to read will illustrate, beyond the shadow of a doubt, how nerdy I really am.

I was watching Star Trek this afternoon (nerdy) and thoroughly enjoyed the episode as it was one of the rare ones with Wesley Crusher (played by Wil Wheaton, +2000 nerdy points). It also included a love interest of Wesley's, a rather beautiful young lady who looked oddly familiar but I couldn't put a name to.

So I went on google (nerdy), entered a multi-string search function incorporating everything I new about the episode (including the name of the planet where Riker was vacationing... nerdy) and proceeded to look through the first few results, all of which were Star Trek [The Next Generation] episode banks (NERDS!!) until I found out what I needed.

Turns out it was Ashley Judd. (Who apparently is also an etymologist... hot! [and nerdy!])

Now we come to the source of the odd title for this post. I went to google to look for information about her. After perusing, I figured I see what she actually looked like more recently than 1987 (when the ST episode aired). A click on the Images link presented me with page afer page of Ashley, scantily clad in 'revealing' poses. My reaction (weird by worldy standards) was one of disappointment at the lack of photos showing this clearly beautiful woman in clothing and poses which one could classify as 'appropriate'. I want to be a most vocal rebel against the "Ooo Boobies!" mentality of, if Google tells me anything, the average person. This kind of focus disgusts me. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the female curves as much as the next gentleman, but I also believe that we've gotta be held to a higher standard and it bothers me when I stumble across such clear signs of the low standards of this world.

To further emphasize the nerdiness, I'm going to refer back to the story line of the episode. Riker, the 'mans man' of the crew, was vacationing on Riza, a party world of sorts, and was being... himself with an alien lady who was there. She introduces him to a game which is relatively pointless and boring apart from the fact that it directly triggers the pleasure centre of the brain. It turns out that she is an evil alien and is seeking to enslave all of Starfleet. Riker, on her suggestion, replicates and shares the game with everyone on the Enterprise (and makes plans to share it everywhere else). In the end, all but one member of the entire crew is addicted to this. He walks the corridors, walking past people staring blankly in to space, moaning and gasping in their own pleasure, totally ignoring interaction with others and their duties to the ship. Wesley Crusher is the only one smart enough to question this and proceeds to analyze the device and figure out how to avoid it through some elaborate plot twists (not worth going in to).

A highly addictive, mind altering, and will-bending influence being pushed by a malevolent force in an attempt to enslave the population by appealing to the pleasure seeking desires common in people by providing a poor imitation of the real thing, in an immediate, accesible, and no-responsibility form... Pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, pre-marital sex, etc. Welcome to the game!

I want nothing to do with it! I want total and utter seperation from these damnable mindsets which pervade so much of the world around me. Zombies, walking mindlessly yet persistently towards the lake of fire (however literally you want to take that).


Cyler Parent said...

Way to go Jonny! You totally over-wrote a blog post. So funny. Although this new one is awesome. I completely agree.

ally said...
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Faye said...

Hello Jono. Since it's late and I'm feeling lazy, the following will have to suffice: see Cyler's blog comments on Let Me Be a Shining Light For You.
Kings to you.

Cyler Parent said...

How the heck do you have 586 profile veiws. That's nuts. Super Popular Jonny!

Lami said...

Yeh, I typed a search on ebay for movies with Drew Barrymore.
I was horribly shocked!
I have seen a few of Ashley Judd'movies.
She is a awesome Actress.