Sunday, April 22, 2007

If I were king...

I often find myself thinking about how I would handle situations differently if I were the owner of a company, instead of a low-level peon.

I've never bothered to record these "If I were king" brainstorms; Now that I think about it, I really should. Even if I never own my own company, at least I'll have spent some time thinking about how to make life better. Who knows, maybe I'll stumble across the occasional malleable area in my current work environment. But I can't deny the desire to, one day, design an office for a company that I had a part in creating.

So, I give you my first published "great idea": The Joyn
It's not perfect, but I love the idea of collaborative work spaces. I'm thankful for my current office, a fairly large space shared by three of the marketing staff. 'Boss' is across the hall and occasionally puts his foot down about our chatter. But when his door is closed, we are usually successful at maintaining an open and creative atmosphere where ideas flow smoothly. If I ever own a company, I will hire and fire based on people's fit with the team. The workspace will be designed around this. A constant interactive flow of information between a carefully chosen team of professionals, each with a set of highly complimentary skills. Of course I'll make private areas available for when one actually needs some solitary thought time, but I love the idea of a huge table where everyone can work easily together.

Honestly, it all comes back to my "communal art" post from last July. This still resonates in my head. I want to make it happen, but I honestly have no idea how to start: Just like I have no idea how to start my own business (I honestly see the two ideas intrinsically intertwined).

Want to work with me? Want to be artistic with me? Talk to me!


Jen said...

In relation to your blog about "communal art"...That has been my deepest desire...I want that in every bone of my body. I have thought about this dream for a long time. To the point in which I add even music and drama that I want to also use this environment...Though in my dreams it is an outreach center for all those that can afford to otherwise share there gifts. I have even planned the look and feel of the building that this will all be physically possible to do. I just can't believe that there is someone else that sees what I see in there own way.

laureneh said...

I'm not sure how I feel about the long table thing. I like my little cubby hole where I can munch an apple in private or comment on a blog and [almost] no one would know about it! I like my space. Especially at work...

Oh I could tell you tales of Nathan's dreams for his studio, but I'm sure he already has!

Faye said...

Duuuude. That was the coolest thing I've see in a long time. I'm with Lauren, though: you need some curves in your system. I am not a straight table person.