Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Pure Fashion

I have some awesome coworkers. One in particular, Victor, constantly amazes me with new tidbits about the world. On Monday, he introduced me to some photos he took at the Pure Fashion show in May of this year. I could tell you about the crazy camera equipment he has (and my jealousy over it) but what really struck me was the beauty of the young women in the photos.

As I've said in other posts, I enjoy looking at women. I'd be lying if I said otherwise. I find them fascinating and beautiful. But there needs to be a clear distinction made between the appreciation of a woman's beauty and the act of "checking her out;" The former is pure and respectable, comparable to the times when I praise God over the beauty in a sunset, flower, or lanscape. The latter is most often sexual and disrespectful to the woman, not unlike shopping in a meat market. Too often I find myself redirecting my eyes away from an immodestly dressed woman because I know my weaknesses and recognize that there is no way I'll be able to look at her in a respectful manner. The question which must always be asked is whether a woman has a face or personality in the mind of the men who see her. If her clothing is modest, her smile, eyes, personality, laugh, and behaviour will be ingrained in the minds of men who meet her. If her clothing is immodest, she might as well look like this as that is all that the guys will see and remember.

So here we have a fashion show based entirely on promoting modest and virtuous dress for young ladies (please notice the lack of frumpy grandma-sweaters and burkas). How awesome is that.

(Note: Yes, I know that the Venus de Milo has a head... that wouldn't have illustrated my point very well. Hooray for Photoshop).

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