Sunday, January 21, 2007


I get excited about some rather nerdy things, most of which have very little relevance to daily life.

This is not one of those things! I beg you watch this movie and then to take 30 seconds and simply think of the possibilities that this technology allows for. I cannot be alone in my appreciation of this.

Multi-Touch Demonstration by Jeff Han

I remember when my friend, Victor, excitedly told me about this technology. I passed it off as a gimmick, not really seeing what he saw. Victor describes himself as a "blue sky thinker" and I discounted his excitement as simply futuristic dreaming. After almost four months of lunch-hour conversations, I am proud to say that my stance has changed. His appreciation of this new technology, driven by his ability to truly imagine its use in the not-so-distant future, is absolutely infectious. We spend our lunch-hours in lively conversation, talking about Jeff Hans (the creator of the technology in the video) and other inventors in a manner reminiscent of the school-yard discussions about Batman/Superman/Spiderman. How cool (and useful) would it be to have their powers? Though Hans and his peers may not be jumping between buildings or flying around the world, I love that I can look at their achievements and ideas and know that I am not simply dealing with fiction anymore! This is a reality which is only a few years away from being perfectly accessible to us. And we can only begin to imagine how any of these new technologies will change our daily lives.

1 comment:

Nick said...

That looks to be a disgustingly large memory video card...