Sunday, May 13, 2007


Thinking of a title for my last post brought up something else I wanted to share.
Buttons, the pin type.

The town of Banff is in the middle of a massive 'refreshing' project to update and repair their municipal infrastructure. This is normally a fairly bland topic and could have resulted in bitterness among residents and visitors due to the inconvenience that they encounter. This doesn't seem to be the case though. In fact, the town did such a good job with their education/planning/appeasement that all who experience the 'refreshing' are quite happy. This could have been a "lipstick on a pig" situation, but some good planning ensured that the project wasn't a pig, and thus the lipstick was mostly unnecessary and actually appreciated by those around.

What am I yammering about? My new source of inspiration.
The Squirrels & The Buttons

A news article, covering Banff's 'refreshing', mentioned something which I found fascinating: people are stealing the squirrel signs that explain the project. These designers (whoever Banff had working on this) created road/safety/construction signs that people want enough to warrant stealing them.

I want people to want my creations to the point of theft!
It is now my goal to create something, at some point in my life, that people will like enough to steal it.

My sister was kind enough to bring back all five buttons for me; They now adorn my camera bag as a constant reminder of my goal.

1 comment:

Nolan said...

Good ambition certainly.