Friday, March 28, 2008


Plan A: Fail
Plan B: Fail

There are some furnished apartments in Charlottetown... for $3000 a month!

I figured that a "furnished apartment" simply meant adding a ratty old couch and a 12-channel TV to the apartment and adding the heat and phone costs to the rent. WRONG!

"Furnished apartment" = "vacation destination".

At what point should I call it quits on the comedy of errors? Wouldn't a booming "NO!" from the sky have been easier than the complete and utter collapse of every idea I come up with?

Just as a side note: Every property manager in Charlottetown is named Wayne. It's actually a bit weird. I sent out a bunch of emails to various companies asking about their properties; Every response (phone or email) has been from a gentleman named Wayne (each with a different last name though).
[Edit: It seems that there is also one lady named Harma. She ruined my visions of a secret counsel of Waynes.]

Thursday, March 27, 2008

PEI - On to Plan C!

Plan A: Find a job online, move out there, live happily ever after.
Status: Failed (Islanders don't know how to use the internet)

Plan B: Save up a pile of cash, move out there for a year or so, and work my way up through dish-washing jobs.
Status: Failed (broke by month 8)

Plan C: Rent a furnished apartment for three months. 50% tourist, 50% job seeker.
Status: On a knife's edge (not a lot of furnished apartments)

We'll see where this goes.
The one vs. two bedroom debate is still open though.

Monday, March 24, 2008

So, I've been giving PEI more thought.

I think I may just head out there and rent an apartment for a few months to get a feel for whether this really is the place for me.

The big question is how large a place would I need. Would anyone truthfully be interested in hitting the island while I was there? If not, I'll cram myself in to a one bedroom and save the cash.

Wouldn't be heading out until at least June as there is too much already planned. What happens between now and then will decide whether this dream goes anywhere.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Madness begotten

I had a conversation with my daughter tonight...

No, I've not been keeping secrets. I remain single and lonely.
My mind is constantly running through all of the various permutations of events in the past, present, and future. I know just what I should have said to the bullies in my past; I have thought through countless ideas for the wooing of, and the eventual proposal to a woman (I'm quite debonair and charming in my imagination); and tonight, in one of the rarer moments of this madness, I had a conversation with a child. My child.

I don't know whether I'll ever be married; I don't know whether I'll ever be a father; And, of course, I don't know whether any of those possible children be a girl. All I know is that those few moments tonight were extremely happy moments.

It was a basic encouraging parental speech. I told her that she was special and to never lose sight of that fact. I explained humility to her, reminding her to consider those around her before herself. And I seemed to try to offer some advice on dealing with those who seem hell-bent on bringing her down. It started off with the tone and vocabulary that one might use when speaking with a young child. It then seemed to progress to an assumed knowledge of reasoned-morality and a common vocabulary suitable for an older child. That's it. That's all. It was a simple Dad moment.

What triggered this? I have no idea.
How long was I working aimlessly with a blank look in my face?

Yes, this is odd. I'm odd.
No friend of mine should be surprised at the depths of my madness anymore.

I don't know what to take from it. Maybe there is nothing to be taken from it. Either way, I thought I'd just share a momentary glance in to those moments when I kind of zone out. I am thinking at those moments; And rarely am I thinking about something light or inconsequential. You are friends with a dreamer, a mad-man musing on times, worlds, and realities beyond this that we know.
Will I ever be "Daddy"?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lessons one can learn from Facebook

_____ is in a relationship
_____ is single
_____ is in a relationship
_____ is single
_____ is in a relationship
_____ is single
_____ is in a relationship
_____ is single
_____ is in a relationship
_____ is single
_____ is in a relationship
_____ is single
_____ is in a relationship

Maybe the problem wasn't your last sixteen boyfriends?

Your right to date has officially been revoked.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mozart's Requiem

Anyone interested in going to see Alberta Ballet's interpretation of Mozart's Requiem with me?