Friday, March 28, 2008


Plan A: Fail
Plan B: Fail

There are some furnished apartments in Charlottetown... for $3000 a month!

I figured that a "furnished apartment" simply meant adding a ratty old couch and a 12-channel TV to the apartment and adding the heat and phone costs to the rent. WRONG!

"Furnished apartment" = "vacation destination".

At what point should I call it quits on the comedy of errors? Wouldn't a booming "NO!" from the sky have been easier than the complete and utter collapse of every idea I come up with?

Just as a side note: Every property manager in Charlottetown is named Wayne. It's actually a bit weird. I sent out a bunch of emails to various companies asking about their properties; Every response (phone or email) has been from a gentleman named Wayne (each with a different last name though).
[Edit: It seems that there is also one lady named Harma. She ruined my visions of a secret counsel of Waynes.]


Kirsten said...

start a 'Jono to PEI' foundation and raise the money

Jen said...

I totally understand the Wayne thing..ever since I started work I have never come across so many Wayne's in my life. They all seem to be from the east coast as well. hmmmmm

Nolan said...

I really like your newest plan, and you haven't written about its doom yet, so that's exciting!