Thursday, April 27, 2006

We are the knights who say... Wii???

I am a Nintendo fan-boy. I mock those PlayStation and Xbox fools. And I was getting to rub their faces in a great big pile of awesomeness when the next Nintendo system, code-named the "Revolution", was released.

I woke up this morning to news that Nintendo had released the official name for the new console (be still my beating heart!). What confronted me on the news sites though was a word so foreign and strange to me that I thought it was some cruel joke... Wii. Yes, that is "Wii". The new Nintendo Wii.

Do I still want it? Yes! But they can be assured that I will be asking for a Revolution at the store counter and will be covering up that Wii nonsense with decals. Some might spend alot of money on high quality decals... as far as I'm concerned, a "Dora The Explorer" sticker would be an improvement.

No, I don't actually spend much time gaming or thinking about gaming in my 'real' life, but seeing as how I am not working and am not in school this week... I think I'm allowed to spend a day occasionally ROFLMAO'ing (that's pronounced rawfflemaow by the way, I pity the fool who thinks I'd say anything else!) at the thought of a name like this.

So, to reiterate:
Yay Nintendo Revolution (as it shall remain)
Boo Wii


Cyler Parent said...

Read this, you'll be pleased someone agree's with you.

Lami said...

You really are a nerd arne't ya ;-)

I still think your gourgeous tho :-P

Anonymous said...

No way dude...Xbox fully owns it fo' life! :P

- Jaleesa.