Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Go see a movie with Jonny (you know you wanna)

My "movies to be seen" list is below with each movie's respective release date. I likely won't be seeing them on the day that they come out, but hopefully not too long after. If you want to join me, let me know.

Edit [Nov. 10]:
[Further edited on November 29] Discussions with wise people in my life has somewhat lessened by fervent protests against Borat. I still stand strong in my dislike for the exploitation of people, but calling my friends out and insulting them because they enjoyed the movie was wrong. There were funny parts and I did laugh at them, but I won't be watching this movie again simply because of their placement of these funny moments within an otherwise (IMO) despicable movie.

Edit [Nov. 11] My faith in movies is restored. Stranger Than Fiction is amazing and made me so happy. Many would likely disagree but I'd label it as an excellent date movie, but then again I also found Will Farrell's "Elf" to be a charmingly romantic movie (I'm a sucker for couples that sing together). The narration was both witty and eloquent and the story premise was, though silly at points, thoroughly charming.

Edit [Nov. 29] Happy Feet has been watched. Please see the review below for the full dose of my exuberance.

Movies Seen
Now Playing - Borat!
[Seen on November 10] Not only was this a waste of my time, but I honestly feel guilty for not walking out of there. I am no prude, I enjoy Monty Python films and am either able to ignore or handle off-color jokes... but the few truly funny moments of Borat were sparsely placed throughout an otherwise over-the-top offensive movie based wholly on the manipulation and humiliation of others. It could be argued that many of them deserved it, but I am still not comfortable with the exploitation of people, especially for the laughter of others.
Now Playing - Stranger Than Fiction
[Seen on November 11] This is an excellent movie. I came away very happy (soured by the theft of my family truck... but still, the movie was excellent). I would love to see this movie again. And I know I will thoroughly enjoy it even if I don't make it a date movie (as mentioned above).
Now Playing - Happy Feet
[Seen on November 29] Happy Feet made my feet happy, along with the rest of me. My romantic side was aww'd, my funny bone was tickled, my toes were made to tap, and my nerdiness was awash in computer generated bliss. This movie is spectacular. Please, take me with you when you go to see it, I will be glad for any excuse to enjoy this movie again.

Movies I Have Yet To See

Now Playing - The Queen
Now Playing - Flushed Away
Now Playing - Casino Royale
December 1 - The Nativity Story
December 8 - Unaccompanied Minors
December 22 - Night at the Museum


Anonymous said...

Happy Feet- I am so excited about happy feet. I would go with you forsure!

ally said...

hehehe. . .a bunch of us wanna go see happy feet when it comes out. yay for college student who never got over animated films!

YVR and his GLOWING FLAIL said...

I'm up for movies, haven't seen one in a while. I'd like to see a few of those.

YVR and his GLOWING FLAIL said...

I suppose to be specific the ones of those that I actually want to see are as follows

Flushed Away
Happy Feet
Stranger than Fiction

Cyler Parent said...

I am interested in seeing:

Stranger Than Fiction
Happy Feet
Tenacious D in "The Pick of Destiny"
Unaccompanied Minors
Night at the Museum

So yea, don't go see one without telling me first!

Anonymous said...

Cool, I dont really know what most of those movies are about. But I do love to see movies.

I'm for sure interested in Stranger than Fiction and Casino Royal.

Cyler Parent said...

"I'm clearly not ready to deal with mature 'humour'(and I hope I never am... I have little respect for those who are)."

Great to see you have respect for me. You may not have meant this in that way, but it seems that it is what you believe.

I won't dwell on this or even let it become an issue, but I can't walk away without letting my feelings be known.

I know your a close friend Jonny, you always will be. I respect you a lot.

Cyler Parent said...

I must apologize, as I was not aware that the people in the film were not actors. I thought that this movie was scripted and just made to look like a documentary. I did not realize that the people in the film were not aware of the actual movie being filmed. This does change my perception on the movie.

ally said...

i *almost* saw casino royale opening night. but then cord, at the last minute, decided that he was tired and didn't want to drive an hour home at midnight. lol. i can't wait til The Nativity Story comes out; from what i've seen in the past week of trailers. . .it looks really good! hopefully it'll still be showing out in indy in january, cuz that will probably be my only chance of watching it in theatre. and yay for happy feet. i'm almost jealous you've seen it. wait, scratch that. i *am* jealous. i'm gonna have to go hit someone up for money to go see it now! haha.

Anonymous said...

I loved stranger than fiction. I love that it is rated G with some nudity and course language too but you'll understand once you see it... that kind of nudity will do little for most normal people...ew! And the flour made my heart sweet

The Queen is worth watching as it is a good movie to discuss afterwards. WARNING: there will be a sea of grey hair in the other seats. But better as a rental.