Monday, May 21, 2007

Big nose

And I, meseems, had Nature been more kind,
More careful, when she fashioned me,—had been
One of those men who well could speak their love!...
Oh! We have our pockets full,
We poets, of love-letters, writ to Chloes,
Daphnes—creations of our noddle-heads.
Our lady-loves,—phantasms of our brains,
—Dream-fancies blown into soap-bubbles! Come!
Take it, and change feigned love-words into true;
I breathed my sighs and moans haphazard-wise;
Call all these wandering love-birds home to nest.
You'll see that I was in these lettered lines,
—Eloquent all the more, the less sincere!
—Take it, and make an end!

Reading through Cyrano de Bergerac, considering a career in romantic ghost-writing, haha.


ally said...

Thanks for putting this back up. :-)

I love this passage from Cyrano. It brings back memories from freshman year when the Speech Team did it as a One Act. G'times for sure... D'ya have a favorite scene in the play? I can't decide between the balcony scene or the end when Cyrano quotes his letter or the dual in verse, is there an option "e.) the entire play"? Haha...

Jonathan said...

I haven't gotten all the way through it yet, and what I have completed has been mostly lost to the pit that is my distracted mind. I'll have to go buy the book and read it through properly (not as a Word file on my computer).

But yes, there are some great parts in there.

ally said...

ooops...hope i didn't spoil anything for ya!

Kirsten said...

i just read your blog description.... why less ranting? at least you posted ;-)