Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My ears hurt, and I couldn't be happier

My house has a covered back porch. At first I didn't see the need for it, but then the first thunderstorm hit; I've been hooked ever since.

My dad and I spent over an hour out on the back deck, thoroughly enjoying the sound of the rain and hail striking deafening blows on the plastic roof. The constant roar of thunder around us was the real spectacle though; It's been a long time since I've been in a storm that was this active.

I love it, I honestly cannot think of a time when I've been more relaxed than sitting in a chair on the deck, unable to hear anything but the relentless pounding of the rain on the roof above. My ears hurt after listening for that long to something that loud, but yet I was almost falling asleep out there.

So ya, I love storms.


Kirsten said...

when I was quite young, storms scared the living daylights out of me... but now there's something soothing about falling asleep to a nice hard rain and thunder. I almost wish I lived in a place where it rained every night but then I suppose it wouldn't be as exciting when it did rain.

Jen said...

Two summers ago I worked at a summer camp just east of Edmonton. I got hooked on thunderstorms. There were times that I would sit on the giant deck out side the dinning hall and watch storms for hours. Though the prettiest storm I have ever seen was at camp. It was in the evening and the sun was just setting on the other side of the lake. (Which is one of my favorite images in the world. Because there was a Cross right down by the water at the fire pit and always If you caught it at the right time the sun would be lost behind the cross and it would be seemingly glowing.) Anyways, The sun was setting and with the giant thunderstorm clouds across the lake the sun turned them the most beautiful shades of red and purple from the tops of the clouds to the ground. Add in Lightening into that and it was awesome. Reminded us all of God's own beauty!
After that summer I have decided that my 4th or 5th career is going to be storm chasing!

amy viviano said...

i miss thunderstorms...we dont get them in scotland really...well i heard one once.