Friday, April 21, 2006

Mr. T!

I can't believe I forgot to mention Mr. T...
Quite purposefully placed in amongst the bear, wolf, and cougar cages is this pit, a most vile pit, containing one of the most vicious creatures in all of the zoo.

Some might call him a gopher, some call him a ground squirrel, the brave ones even call him a baby beaver (true story, haha), but those who know only call by him by his real name... MR. T!

He is massive, he is black, he's got a gold chain around his neck, and his pity for the fools is absolutely insane.

That little brown fella there decided to sneak up on Mister on a couple of occasions. Mister would remain seemingly oblivious until the other fuzzball got within a couple of centimeters... then, oh yes then, that fool was pitied. Mr. T would have nothing to do with this jibba jabba! The jumping, spazzing, squeaking, chattering, and growling (you haven't lived until you've heard a gopher growl) was absolutely amazing. The other fella didn't seem to catch on very quickly and kept on coming back for more. Eventually Mr. T crawled in to his home and just sat there growling at the youngster. It was clear that it just wasn't worth his while to fight back, his energy is better spent pitying other fools who learn their lessons. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Lami said...

Mr T is adorable.
He would fool me ;)