Friday, April 21, 2006


Finished off my astronomy exam on Tuesday evening, jumped at the opportunity to enjoy a guilt free trip to the zoo on Wednesday morning with Cyler. Figured that, after almost a year, it was about time I take advantage of this new camera in that environment.

First we see the ever-cute black-capped chickadee, this little one was dancing on a branch outside one of the monkey enclosures. I love my 70-300mm telephoto, it comes in handy.

Then we have the rare and odd-looking Cyler bird who is known for striking poses at the sound of a shutter. Here we seem him pretending to be a mountain goat.

After some further walking and watching, we came across the Whooping Cranes. Cyler proceeded to make noises which he figured held some similarity to the call of a Whooping Crane. Whether he actually struck the proper warble or simply managed to arouse the curiosity of the creature, we were presented with a perfect headshot of this crane. It's as if he knew well enough to frame himself between the wire of the fence.

Lastly, the Llama. The animal that was so awesome that they gave it two L's. This one looked at us, growled at us, and then generally ignored us. I wasn't arguing, it's indifference provided a number of good poses (I guess it's kind of like the mad or pouty faces which models practice).

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Cyler Parent said...

I think I saw one of those Cyler birds today in my bathroom.

ally said...
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Lami said...

Great Photos Jonno.
There are also Cyler birds said to be spotted in Australia.
But I think it is a myth!