Monday, January 22, 2007

Count onward list, for someday I will be next.

Eons ago, a group of enlightened men sat together to fathom the unfathomable, to discover the undiscoverable, and to list the unlistable. These men hold within them a gnostic knowledge of the ordinal nature of love, death, progeny, and the killing of zombies. They sequestered themselves away for what seemed an eternity, returning only when the sacred lists were complete. Few of the uninitiated have ever heard the wisdom of the lists, fewer still have actually laid eyes on the remarkable foolscap, but all recognize the power held within them. Some say the lists are prophetic. Others say that they are causal. But in the end, all agree on the simple fact that they are right.

< I intended to do more with that but I'm tired and really lost my train of thought. Simply know that lists from highschool have now correctly predicted the first two engagements from our group of friends and seem poised to fairly accurately predict the order of the next few. I do actually hope for some inaccuracy though as I am otherwise doomed to be the last fellow married. >

So it is with great joy that I heard of the latest couple, engaged as prognosticated. Trevor and Melissa, two most excellent friends, engaged last week through an appropriately comedic yet ultimately romantic plan put in motion by the ever-creative Trevor.

I figured I would share my favourite photo of them, sitting in what also happens to be one of my favourite places (the Vermillion lakes @ Banff)


YVR and his GLOWING FLAIL said...

That's a great article and only me and Nathan really know how the lists came to be (actually the real story of how the top three came into existence would shatter everything you believe in). Is it also coincidence that the two people responsible for the lists put themselves in the top two spots then end up fulfilling their own prophesies? I think not. There's more at play here than ever we know.

Anonymous said...

For some strange reason I found this article oddly amusing. Perhaps it's because I may be the last girl in your group of friends from high school to marry. Well, unless you include Becky.

To nunk-dom! (In case you don't know what that means nunk = nun + monk. Because monks seem much cooler than nuns ... and I'm not Catholic. Ya.)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes that last comment was from Sarah. I'm geniousity at its finest, what can I say?

Sindy said...

Hey how many times did I propose and you turned me down???

Jonathan said...

I couldn't accept your proposals! What kind of friend would I be to throw the lists in to disarray. That'd be out-right cruel.

And Sarah, I'm loving the word "nunk". That is a solid piece of genius! We should hang out sometime soon. There's a bunch of us hitting Red Lobster next week, I'll email you with details.