Thursday, March 15, 2007

I don't have much commentary to add to this video. Stumbled across it on YouTube and was really not sure how to take it.

My mother has kids in her classes who talk openly about how "the rivers will flow red with the blood of the jews". How are we supposed to approach this?


Fluffy said...

Wow! oh my goodness, that's so sad that children are being taught that! Your mom has kids in her classes that talk like that? That's just way too disturbing. As a future teacher, and as a human being that values life, that just scares me to peices.

Cyler Parent said...

Weird, although you have to understand that this is their culture. In their eyes, the Jewish people marched in, and just took land, claiming that it was theirs, twice actually. While I don't agree with the hatred towards the Jewish people, I can at least see where their culture is coming from.

We would not be happy if all of a sudden the Chinese (or anyone for that matter) marched into Canada and took our land saying that it had been given to them by God. I'm pretty sure we would all be rightly pissed off.

I will never condone the hatred or killing of anyone, but at least you have to understand where they are coming from.

Faye said...

Hey Jonny. Two thoughts on this: (1) children are extremely impressionable in the preschool years. Did you notice how many leading questions the interviewer was asking them? If a child was ever questioned like that in a court case, the evidence would be thrown out immediately b/c it produces completely unreliable answers. (2) If you want a more complete history/understanding of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I have an excellent c-d complete w/ maps (I love maps) and a 120 page essay on the issue which I've been trying to figure out how to link to a post on my blog. Feel free to borrow it.