Saturday, February 16, 2008


There are some who ought to marry, and some who ought not to.
The apostle Paul spoke very wisely about this.

The question in my mind is whether those who are not meant to marry are blessed with a lack of desire to do so. The alternative question is whether the desire for marriage is a sign that one should eventually achieve it.

Does God give us a heart suited to the life we are destined for? Or is it possible that one might receive a heart contrary to their destiny, a situation where one might have to fight all through life to do what they are called for.

Did Paul accept a life without marriage easily? Or was this a situation that God thrust upon him and he had to work hard to accept it?

I dunno.


Anonymous said...

Intriguing thoughts, especially for one who is now convinced marriage isn't for her...

amy viviano said...

if you read what paul says in context... you learn he was speaking to a community in a time of persecution. like, read every other mention of marriage in the Bible.I was God's idea, it is is what God desires for us. no, not everyone, but most people. those who love God and don't get married do so because they have a strong conviction on their life that whilst doing the particular work God gave them, it is impossible, or a very bad idea to get married. or like in paul's age, people were in a war. so there ,but don't take y word on it, pray about it and seek God's wisdom on our Bible and pray the Holy Spirit leads you in your study. I know this is all close to your heart which is why i recomend this. remember, God's ot the bestest of the best in mind for those He adores, and you are so so precious to Him Jonny.