Thursday, March 23, 2006

First PhotoBlog Post!

I honestly have no clue about the model or year of this car. Though I love to look around at auto shows, I am anything but a car buff and unfortunately this means that I drool lots, take lots of photos, but remember very little 'valuable' information about the cars. Unless one considers "crazy orange paint" or "shiny" as valuable information. Posted by Picasa


Jubilant said...

This is a wonderfully restored 1955 Chevrolet. How do I know...I drove one just like it in High School. Wish I still had it too.

Jubilant said...

This is a wonderfully restored 1955 Chevrolet. How do I know...I drove one just like it in High School. Wish I still had it too.

Jonathan said...

Many thanks Terry. When it comes to cars, I'll openly admit my reliance on the knowledge of others (thank God there are some who have gone beyond "ooo pretty").