Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Aftermath

So you saw me rant about Africa. Surprisingly, there was no swift response from the Almighty saying "you're wrong." Doesn't mean that He agreed with me (we're talking about THE love here), but He didn't strike me down.

He has been working on me over the last few days though. Examining how my faith reality can mix with an otherwise cynical and angry political reality. What has come out of it is an idea of parallel motivations and working. I still say that something needs to change over there (Africa or wherever), that is undeniable. We're talking about systematic restructuring of governments, communities, and the entire way of life. But this cannot trump my compassion for the hungry, homeless, persecuted, and ill over there. I've gotta try and hit both.

Giving food to people while working to help them build the infrastructure (people, tools, education, etc.) for them to eventually make their own food. Curing their diseases while working to help them train doctors and buy medicine on their own. Providing for widows and orphans while working towards social programs to help reduce the root causes behind both of those conditions.

And, arguably the most important part, in these actions, showing love to these people and sharing the truth. We have missionaries who march in to places, shove God down people's throats, and ruin societies. Then we have humanitarian organizations which deal with the physical needs but don't address the spiritual. God cares about these people, body and soul.

1 comment:

Cyler Parent said...

This is what I plan on doing, I hope. To minister in a real way, and show Love by helping these people out.