Sunday, October 08, 2006

Weekend at Wyndham Carseland

Was out camping this weekend (actually still am, just in the city to drop my sister off at work). Wanted to toss these photos up.

The first two are different variations (minimal and heavy postprocessing) of the same photo. The latter three are longer exposures taken last night at around 11pm or so. The moon in the second last one is fake. I took two shots (same framing) and then combined them in Photoshop. The different shutter speeds (3 seconds compared to 1/100 of a second) were necessary due to the simple fact that the moon is quite bright. For those not well versed in astronomical trivia, the moon has an albedo of 0.07 which, basically, means that it reflects 7% of the light which hits it. This means that the moon, averaged, will be around 7% as bright as the sun (still rather bright).

The last photo is ugly and boring but I'm tossing it up here because I thought it was a neat experiment, a 4 minute exposure of a road near my camp site.

30 seconds, F/8

3 seconds, f/8

4 minutes, f/8


laureneh said...

i love clouds. and jono i love your pictures. oh how i long for my own computer, photoshop, a decent printer and all the good photos that would potentially come out of it.

santa i've been a very good girl!!

how come i always happen to be away from home when i remember to check the warranty on my camera?

i'll forget again by the time i get home tonight. unless you call and remind me at 10!

ally said...

so eerie. . .and yet. . .
. . .so intriguing.
and i must disagree with you jonathan; your last photo is beautiful. reminds me of Narnia. . .and frost's: 'the road not taken.'

amy viviano said...

i love the 2nd one