Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Flirtatious Jonny

I think most people would agree that I am anything but flirtatious. My sexy body doesn't exactly have the women running (at least towards me) and I'm often much too shy to talk, much less flirt, with available ladies in my life. So, basically, my flirtation muscles haven't exactly had a workout in a while.

But, Ah HA!, the telephone rings! A pleasant sounding young lady greets me as Mr. Harris and asks if I'd be willing to spend a short while answering some questions for her regarding financial management and investments. I ask you now to try and imagine a more dry subject. I agree nonetheless and she proceeds with her questioning. By the third question she has clearly ceased her strict adherance to the script before her and we are laughing together about my ridiculously conservative investment habits and my ignorance in many areas of the industry due to my 'grandfathering' in plans through my parents. Of course I can remember very little of my witty banter now but I swear that I actually heard her giggle at one point. This congenial banter continued throughout the conversation. She reached the usual statistical questions but I would, once again, swear that there was more something more than statistical curiosity in her voice when we came to the questions about my age and marital status.

Ya, I could have imagined it all. Every person on her call list tonight might receive that same smile (I learned early on in life to tell if someone was smiling while talking on the phone), but I'm gonna sit here and savour the dream that I managed, with whatever wit and charm I could muster, to catch the eye (or ear as it may be) of a young lady somewhere here in Canada. A guy's gotta dream!

1 comment:

Faye said...

Sooooo, flirtatious Jonny, eh? Have you ever, by any chance, checked out any of the links on my blog? You might want to...