Monday, October 30, 2006

Wyndham Carseland - Take 2

Got around to processing the remainder of my shots from an October 8th camping trip. I've got a long way to go in terms of thought and application but I am pleased with my improvement over the last year or so. I love this, and I want to share it (both the activity and the end results) with others who enjoy it as well.

Seriously, I need some exercise. Grab your camera, call me up, and lets go shooting. Wherever, whenever, and whatever.

A run-of-the-mill shot from a gravel bank in the river.

A flower, cropped in a "bookmark" style which I've become fond of lately.

Friends of the family, father and son with their dog. We were out on a gravel-bar with our slingshots, target practice on rocks and driftwood.

The moon about 10 minutes after sunset. I took a highly bracketed set of shots here to give me he glow, the lit landscape, and a detailed moon which I could then combine together once I got home.

4-minute shot of the road beside our campsite. Didn't expect the truck to go through, I liked the results though.

Another 'bookmark' crop, taken from the shot which I posted with the original bunch.


Cyler Parent said...

Run-of-the-mill my ass. That river shot is fantastic. Interesting idea about the bookmarks. Never thought of doing that, but I definitely could use some better bookmarks than my harvest moon ticket. I must look through my stuff, see I have anything to use. Great editing. I can see a style developing, it's good.

ally said...

perhaps there is still beauty midst all the pain.
thank you for that reminder.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, run of the mill is the type of pictures that I have been known to take. You take anything but run of the mill! Beautiful and breath taking are the only words that come to my mind to discribe them. I wish I could capture the beauty that I see. Beauty is my life search.

Faye said...

Jonny, Jonny, Jonny. Being able to see the strange or magical in the normal is the definition of an artist (or a sociologist, whichever you'd prefer to be). Therefore, I command you to do a jig of joy over your great pics and never again use this mystifying descriptive term, "run-of-the-mill".

Nolan said...

I'm glad you can see your improvements, and your overboard humility. Now cast it a line and haul it back on board and feed it some soup while you warm it by the fire. If you need firewood, you can ask me and I will gladly bring you some from work.