Thursday, December 07, 2006

Writing Resources

Having just completed my term paper, it occured to me that I have a whole stack of resources which might have been helpful for my fellow post-secondary students. If you aren't done your semester yet, feel free to borrow some of these. If you are done, sorry, but you are welcome to use these next semester.

  • The Chicago Manual of Style 15th Edition (The writer's bible)
  • Turabian's "A Manual for writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations" (Gold)
  • Strunk & White's "The Elements of Style" (The writer's apocrypha)
  • Reuben's "Science and Technical Writing " (Excellent for anything scientific)
  • Blake & Bly's "The Elements of Technical Writing (Great for those scared of big books)
  • Hacker's "Rules for Writers 4th edition" (The 'illustrated children's book' of writing resources. Very accessible and very handy)
  • Campbell's "Coherence, Continuity, and Cohesion" (Painful to read, but the theory is good)
I have a few others lying around which I'd also be glad to loan out.

And, of course, if you ever need advice, editing, or critiques, I'd be glad to help. I'd like to think that the last four years of school have molded me in to a half-decent technical writer.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I am not a very good writter at all. I really have no idea how I have gone through four years of education thus far. So, any help that I can get would be good.

ally said...

i wanna know why everyone else gets to write term papers and i don't! yes, *gets* to! it is a privilege beyond measure to have the opportunity to write a term paper. sigh. . . stupid instructors who only test and don't assign papers. . . and thus make me fail out of college. . . curse you!!!
*goes to class grumbling*

Anonymous said...

Man, I want Alli's courses, I would ace college!

Anonymous said...

yo dude its becky here, do you think you could do me a fav and send some pictures that u took of amys party, of me and her because i dont really have a good picture of the both of us...
thank youuuuuuuuuu