Tuesday, January 22, 2008


In the (literally) immortal words of Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Highlander, never actually watched the movie):

"...there can be only one"

In Calgary, you can be fairly certain that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other people with the very same job as you. In PEI, most jobs come with their very own "The". You're not A technical writer... You're THE technical writer.

This is great if you have a rare talent or skill, or were the first practitioner in the area. But this sucks if you are trying to get in.

The initial urge hit on December 30th. I started looking for jobs out there. It's now the 22nd of January and I have found ONE. There were a few false starts with the postings either disappearing or becoming more exclusive as time went on, but at this point I have actually applied for only one job. It's a great job (check out the description a few posts ago) but it means that this whole harebrained scheme of mine is resting on the shoulders of that one employer.

So ya, any definitive sounding language I've used over the past few weeks should be taken with a grain or two of salt. Yes, I still see myself in a little (or not so little) house on the island, but the variables of when and how remain to be seen.

At this point, I'm sure of only one thing. I want out of my job. My new boss is great, but I'm left babysitting my old boss who now shares a cubicle with me. I'm getting tired of waking up and not wanting to go to work. There has to be something out there that might actually excite me.

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