Thursday, January 03, 2008


To whoever reads this blog, I would ask for your prayers.

What was a momentary whim has now become a semi-serious plan. Whether it is this job opportunity or another, I am seriously considering moving out to the island.

The idea of leaving the dangerous neighborhoods, traffic jams, and oil industry behind is very tempting right now. I crave the slower pace of life on the island. A province with a population 1/8th of Calgary.

I could afford to buy a house!
1300 square feet and an acre of land for under $120,000... I couldn't buy a shack for that here in Calgary.
But the question remains, could I live alone out there? Do I want to? Should I?
Could I stand the feeling of my family and friends being 5000km away? Could I handle the fact that it just isn't realistic for many of my friends to visit even occasionally? How often could I make it home to visit? Would I find a similarly loving group of friends and mentors out there?

I need some guidance from God as this adventure will be a waste of time and money if He isn't leading it. There are a number of obvious fleece - the job, a house, the funds - but I realize that the whole point behind the original fleece was that it was something out of the ordinary. I am praying that God will provide that unexpected fleece that will make this clear.

Please pray for me, that I might either be encouraged and pushed forward on this path, or find enough closed doors to accept the answer. If I'm to stay, I need an attitude adjustment to let help me appreciate this city and whatever job I am to do within it, because I'm certainly not enjoying either at the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan, I read your blog when I think of it, since you word things so well. Hopefully that's not as creepy as it sounds. I'll definitely pray for you - it's a huge move and a fresh start. If I may say so, you won't regret the East Coast one bit. I'm going to school in New Brunswick and it's fantastic. Hopefully I will be able to avoid Ontario for months at a time from now on. :)

PS - beautiful photos!