Monday, January 14, 2008

Where are you going, Jonny?

Obviously nothing is set in stone yet, but I figure I should offer some sort of explanation for my somewhat impulsive talk of an eastward move. This video says it pretty well (though it's not some "Anne of Green Gables" fanaticism that moves me, I had not touched those books before I went to the island). The island changes people.

I wrote this on my first night at the cottage this summer:

The sun sets earlier here, it is 8:40PM right now and it is well towards dusk. It was a cloudy day so the sunset is much more gradual through the overcast sky. The mood would be best described as soft, there is nothing harsh about what I am experiencing right now. There are many birds around; There songs seem different, they seem to carry further than they do at home, and with an inherent depth that seems to give an almost dream like quality to the sound. The faint scent of the sea is intoxicating in the cool evening air.

THAT is what calls to me. It's not like it was a one night thing, I'd have one of those moments almost every day

Only thing that worries me is this:

I like snow, and I'm sure it will be beautiful after, but I'm a wimp and I'm not sure whether I'd like to be sitting alone in a creaking home during a storm like that. I gotta hurry up and find me a wife that I can hold on to during those cold and dreary nights ("Baby it's cold outside" might actually have some meaning, unlike here in Calgary)


laureneh said...

hey Jono,

How goes the search for direction? Let us know how we can pray for you (Although, you do know we will always pray for God's will anyways, whatever that is).

Keep us updated.

Love you!!!

Faye said...

PEI as one of Canada's pilgrimage sites- a place where people seek to connect their present and future with the past, a place of inner transformation. Praying that God will let you know when the time is right for your next journey.