Sunday, July 13, 2008

Getting Started

Do you know any new, studying, or struggling:
Makeup artists,
Hair stylists, or
Generally outgoing people who are willing to be photographed?

I am begging, pleading, and calling in any favors that you feel that you might owe me...
Please introduce me to them!

I want to develop a photography portfolio that will underpin the development of what I hope will be a thriving photographic business in the years to come. Being a struggling artist in this regard, I'm willing to offer Time-for-CD (we both work for free, we both get photos for our portfolios) to any students, recent-graduates, and genuinely struggling artists in those categories that you are willing to introduce to me.

I'll be driving across Canada in August, September, and October so if you know anyone along that route, keep them in mind as well.

If you need my contact info, toss a request in to a comment and I'll send it over.

On the business side:

Of course, I'm also available to do portraits, headshots, promotional materials, weddings, and general event photography if you like my work and want to recommend me to someone that you know. My prices are affordable, my schedule is flexible, and I'm told that I'm quite pleasant to work with.

Thank You Thank You Thank You

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You chose the island! Good choice. Let me know if you need a place to crash. I won't be there, but my parents will be!

If you want to do a very scenic detour there or back, I recommend the Saguenay-Lac St. Jean region (Chicoutimi, QC).

I might know some musicians in the Sack that would go for some shots. I'll work on that.